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Understanding the trends in the club industry and with a full appreciation of both the challenges facing clubs and the opportunities available, we work with Club boards and General Managers to develop objective, club specific solutions.

Please click on a service below for more information.

  • Strategic Planning
    In the current environment a roadmap that outlines not only what you are doing but why you are doing it is crucial to long term sustainability. GBAS has developed a practical, data driven planning process that engages all key stakeholders. Seeking answers to four key planning questions: Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How will we get there? and How do we know we are there? The GBAS planning program includes a market review, facility positioning analysis, and detailed operational review. With these findings underpinned by member research, departmental goals and actions are then developed over a series of subsequent Board workshops, the process is completed with delivery of a strategic planning document ready for Board finalisation and approval.
  • Operational Review
    GBAS has the qualifications and experience to assist in improving the financial health of your business. We understand the key drivers of a golf business and can reference your performance against our knowledge of the wider industry​. Our operational reviews are a regularly sort after service, be it a whole of business review or limited to targeted areas of your business. Our Operational Audit System reviews your performance against over 200 potential indicators and provides our clients with meaningful insight and action items to address any issues or concerns identified.
  • Member Research
    GBAS is the industry leader in the member survey space, with no other company conducting surveys at the same frequency of GBAS. As a result, the Company has an unrivalled level of survey benchmark data, this data giving context to the results seen by our clients. It is this context that helps to shape the conclusions made from survey findings. Our survey is designed to capture feedback and levels of satisfaction across all of the key areas of the Club. These include the golf course, golf operations, clubhouse, and administration. In developing questions, a fully informed member survey is vital. In order to assist with survey question development, and to ensure the appropriate issues are being measured and appropriately explored, GBAS recommends that its clients give consideration to the inclusion member workshops within the scope of work. GBAS administers the full survey process, including distribution and follow up reminders to members. Importantly, our technical distribution methods allow for the addition of insights into satisfaction and importance levels by key member segments (age, gender, length of membership, playing frequency, and member category). The final component of these projects is a presentation of the results. Subject to survey content, we detail overall satisfaction, department satisfaction, and the key areas within each for management focus. Insights into satisfaction levels by key member segments (age, gender, playing frequency, member category) as well as movement since the last survey is also provided. We also outline how the results achieved compare to the satisfaction benchmarks we hold across a number of specific club measures.
  • Employee Survey
    We know a highly engaged workforce leads to better organisational performance. As part of our ongoing commitment to our partners, GBAS has developed a concise but robust Employee Survey for Club's to better understand their most important asset - their people. Using proven methodology, GBAS's Employee Survey is the perfect tool in annually assessing your people engagement, providing data led insight and industry benchmarking that allows you to quickly formulate meaningful people action plans. Seven key focus areas are explored - Leadership, Communication, Member & Guest experience, Job Satisfaction, Teamwork, Training & Development and Performance Management. Generating 28 metrics, each metric is benchmarked to golf industry peers, also containing key insight by department and length of employment.
  • Market Research Reports
    GBAS has authored an unrivalled number of first time reports for numerous industry bodies. Topics addressed include national participation trends, golf tourism, pace of play, club operational and salary benchmarking, membership attrition and retention, national rounds played, golf retail operations and other industry challenges including land management, the environment, cost structures, and corporate governance. Our publicly available reports are available for download here.
  • Stakeholder Surveys
    To date GBAS has conducted over 120 surveys across the industry with our experience unrivalled in this area of advisory work. Be they independent assignments or part of a wider planning engagement, GBAS can play a leading role in the setup, delivery and interpretation of any type of facility survey, from which recommendations for future required actions will follow.
  • Board Presentations
    GBAS has delivered a number of presentation to Boards that outline the current state of the industry, the general environment in which they operate and its first impression opinions of the facility. On the provision of a base level of information, a more detailed presentation is also available, including a high level review of recent facility trading results and potential opportunities.
  • Development Feasibility
    GBAS can thoroughly review your proposed project and provide an independent assessment of its likely operating performance to assist in the preliminary structuring of the project. Typical areas covered in a project like this include. Market overview Overview of development opportunity Assessment of the target market demographic profile Review of historical performance of any competing facilities Development of membership and green fee pricing programs Required operational structures to self-manage or engage 3rd party managers Projected cash flows Capital budgeting Golf operations business and marketing plans Exit strategy
  • Expert Witness Services
    Just like in other industries, legal disagreements can occur within the golf industry, meaning from time to time issues end up in court. GBAS is experienced in the provision of expert witness services and can provide any potential legal matter with unrivalled experience, information and analysis concerning the golf industry.
  • Due Diligence
    Asset due diligence is essentially an operational and market review, performed on behalf of a potential purchaser. GBAS can assist in the review of the asset and provide an independent assessment of its likely future performance under a number of different market or operating scenarios. Typical areas covered in a project like this include. Market overview Assessment of the target market demographic profile Review of historical operating performance Management suitability Competitor review Projected cash flows and scenario modelling Required capital budgeting
  • Asset Oversight
    GBAS is able to assist off site or absent owners with on-site monitoring or oversight of their assets, ensuring they are being managed efficiently and are pursuing the desired direction in an effective manner. GBAS works with staff and management to ensure they fully understand the facility and its goals and assists management in implementing any operational or organisational changes required.
  • Asset Valuation
    The Principal of GBAS has provided assistance on golf asset valuations for the past seven years and as such GBAS is well positioned to assist current valuers with industry information, benchmarks and financial forecasts.

About Us

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Golf Business Advisory Services (GBAS) is a specialist independent advisory company providing dedicated, professional advice around the business of golf within the Asia Pacific region.



T: +61 412 989 222

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